With an unmatched heritage in handling bullion trade, Group understands the trust people place on it. Our unparalleled insights into the intricacies of bullion trade are a result of years of hands-on experience in the field. Combining knowledge with foresightedness, we offer our clients maximum value for money.
Flexibility and scalability are the two guidelines that have led the DFI to maintain its position. Our extensive, existing wholesale bullion business operates from the major bullion centers of the country including Mumbai, Surat, Rudarpur.
The DFI constantly endeavors to achieve organic growth. Part of this endeavor has been our foray into the manufacture, trade and export of plain gold Jewellery, gold medallions, gold bars and diamonds to countries across the globe.
With units in both domestic and SEZ areas, we have been able to robustly support our operations over the years turning them into highly profitable ventures for stakeholders, clients and ourselves. Our potent approach towards expansion includes the addition of higher capacity to existing units along with setting upnew units in upcoming Free Zones at opportune locations.
We utilize the DFI in-depth knowledge to create value for our clients by providing superior quality bullion at the most competitive prices. In order to meet the ever-changing demands of the domestic bullion market, we leverage our extensive network.